Grab The Block Bard’s Copywriting System!

This is gonna sound completely bonkers, but the best way to write winning copy fast… is to be lazy.

Yeah, sure… I get that ‘promoting laziness’ to copywriters may seem nuttier than a squirrel turd.

But this clever car mechanic’s story shows how to write copy quicker than ever before…

Without sacrificing quality.

At a truck suspension shop, they’d do a year-end tally to count all the different kinds of screws…




It would take daaaaays.

Can you imagine the time-sucking, soul-crushing agony?

Then a new “lazy” employee joins the team.

And he suggests a freakin genius idea…

“Let’s just weigh each individual screw. Then weigh a whole bin. Then divide the weight of the bin by the weight of just one screw and – bam – you got your total number of screws.”

The job went from taking days… to done in a couple of hours.

All they needed to 10x their productivity was a smart system.

Well, I’ve watched the same thing happen for copywriters I’ve taught.

Slow copywriters spend days (or weeks, or even months) to write copy…

…then as the pressure of the looming deadline approaches…

They have to crank out last-minute rush jobs, with no idea if it will convert.


Other copywriters crank out high-converting offers in mere hours when they STOP relying on hard work…

And use a smart system to speed everything up.

All it takes is 10 index cards and a 20-minute brainstorming session…

That’s exactly what I did to go from being a slower-than-molasses copywriter…

To a copy spouting speed demon…

All while producing copy that converted even BETTER than before.

I call this approach The Block Bard’s Basic Copywriting System. I know… Nothing fancy right?


Here’s the big picture of how it works.

First, gather the 10 essential elements all effective copy needs…

…then map out these elements on index cards before the writing phase.

This way you’ll never wonder, “Where do I start?” or “Am I missing something?”

These index cards get the words flowing the moment it’s time to write.

And when it’s time to hit “send” and deliver your copy to a client …

… you’ll know you hit every point proven to convert more sales.

Now you can get this Copywriting System today for just $7.95.


Inside the TBB Copywriting System, you’ll discover…

?? How to break through writer’s block and potentially double writing speed…
?? The 10 conversion elements every piece of copy needs to get the sale…
?? A framework that creates high-converting messages for social ads, sales pages, emails, and landing pages…

PLUS… A behind-the-scenes breakdown of how the system was used to create 3 of my top converting sales pages…

Click below to grab your Copywriting System and ALL the bonuses now for just $7.95: