Two extremely overlooked factors that may be preventing you from losing the GUT!!

You are the collection of your Habits
Two extremely overlooked factors that may be preventing you from losing the GUT!!

Inflammation: There’s good and bad inflammation but most of the population is walking around plagued with chronic inflammation.

Essentially, chronic inflammation is cell dysfunction which leads to dysfunction and accumulation of adipose fat cells.

Insulin Insensitivity: The foods your eating and more importantly, how efficiently your body metabolizes those foods directly influences your insulin levels.

If you are taking in more sugars and carbohydrates than your body knows what to do with, then you are bound for insulin insensitivity, excess storage of fat cells, and eventually prediabetes.

If you think you need help in this area or want a more complete easy to follow guide, I want to gift you FREE access to my “___________________.”

To add to that, you will also have access to my “RESTORE” recipe book, designed to eliminate inflammation and increase insulin sensitivity to help you restore your body back to it’s primal state.

My gift to you,

Just comment “INTERESTED” below and I’ll send you the link.

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Mackenzie Andres, Founder & Head of Copy at The Block Bard group has written ads in over 27 different industries and put some [100’s] of his personal favourites in the public domain for you and your company to learn what’s working.

Study them, Copy them… The World is Yours, and


Just make sure to edit them to your industry & audience as any good copywriter would.

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