What I’m about to tell you today comes from Perry Belcher.
He is the ultimate Ninja when it comes to creating an offer that sells itself.
So without wasting any time, let’s dive right in.
- Gold
Gold means a thing that people want (not what they need)
People may need to eat healthy. But they want to eat burgers.
People may need a happy and peaceful life, but they want gold.
So find something that pulls people crotch-first towards it, and put it in your offer.
Like for my CMB offer, I realised that two things that people wanted desperately were:
a) Client opportunities given to them, and
b) An expert copy coach to review their copy and give them feedback
So, I hired a couple expert 7-8 figure copywriters and added both of those things to my CMB program.
- Shovel
After you have shown them that you have what they want…
Tell them that you also have the tools they will need to get that thing.
Not only do you have the gold, but you also have the shovels that can be used to dig that gold out effortlessly.
Make sure to include the tools in your offer that can help them get what they want.
This would be the equivalent of the lethally effective client-getting strategies I teach inside Program.
Teaching people how to fish, rather than merely giving them a fish.
- Map
After you’ve shown them that you have the gold and the tools to mine it without any effort…
Tell them that you also know exactly where the gold is buried.
You have the map… and you know the exact turns they need to take to reach the spoils.
Make sure you include a step by step plan that will help them take the guesswork out of the equation.
- Guide
Now, the only thing your prospect is thinking: What if any problem comes up?
What if the shovel or bulldozer breaks?
What if I take a wrong turn and end up in a different place?
Make sure to tell them that you are there to help them out if (and when) any problems arise.
Like the two weekly Q&A calls with me in Program…
The two monthly Q&A calls with $2M/yr freelance-copywriter-turned-agency-owner in Program…
The two weekly feedback coaching calls with my expert 7 & 8 figure copywriters in Program…
And the monthly calls with A____________________ in Program to destroy any BS limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
Think of it like therapy, but way faster, permanent, more fun, and it actually works.
So, there you have it.
You are giving them what they want (gold)…
You are telling them how they can get it effortlessly (by using the bulldozer)
You are telling them how they can get as soon as possible (by using the map which will tell them exactly where to go).
And if any problem occurs, you are there to help them out.
If you saw an offer like that, would you be able to resist?
Do you need anything more than this to make a buying decision?
So spend an hour creating your mafia offer and you will see your conversions smash through the roof in no time.
And if you have any questions, feel free to hit me back.
And I’ll likely make a more in-depth youtube vid on it soon 😉
–Your Name
P.S. I’m launching a new case study program for October, with all of the above-mentioned inclusions, bonuses and coaching….
Taking 10 more freelance copywriters to $10k/mo by end of year.
If you wanna hear more details about it now, before I send the official email out later this week and get the usual 100+ replies…
Just hit me back and say “Keyword and I’ll get you all the details before we fill up 🙂
We use these sheets with EVERY CLIENT who works with us… just hit GET IT NOW
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The Holy Grail of Message-Marketing
Where we’ve taken dozens of engaging ads, and organized them under keywords in your industry.
How Does This Help My Business?
Mackenzie Andres, Founder & Head of Copy at The Block Bard group has written ads in over 27 different industries and put some [100’s] of his personal favourites in the public domain for you and your company to learn what’s working.
Study them, Copy them… The World is Yours, and
Just make sure to edit them to your industry, offer & audience as any good copywriter would.
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All ads are either written for personal business purposes by me, or taken directly from your competitors. We will NEVER EVER post content we create for our Clients.
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