
B.A. (Brand Awareness) Pamphlet + Donations Copy + 2 C.T.A.s (Call to Actions)

What We do – Epiphany Why We Do It – Painting How You Can Help – Instruction + Commitment WHAT WE DO: THANK-YOU Location or Demography!!!TheBlockBard.com’s efforts have officially reached 3 million readers online! To celebrate, we’ve published our first 2 non-profit Case-Studies. One of which was to directly reduce the crime in one particularContinue reading “B.A. (Brand Awareness) Pamphlet + Donations Copy + 2 C.T.A.s (Call to Actions)”

How To Sell Your Art Today: Artist’s Freedom Formula Book Copy Description

Hi, I’m Name and I’m an artist that sells my art every single day of the year, without posting to social media or using galleries. I’ve finally put everything I do, and everything I know about building passionate audiences and selling art online, into a jammed-packed and easy-to-digest ebook called the “_________________”. You can pickContinue reading “How To Sell Your Art Today: Artist’s Freedom Formula Book Copy Description”

How To Write for the Right Audience

If you’re selling a restaurant owner a piece of new-age medical equipment, even as one of the best copywriters in Calgary, you’re going to have a hard time. Not only because they don’t run a medical practice and have no need for such equipment, but because they can’t even understand the sales-copy and product descriptionsContinue reading “How To Write for the Right Audience”

Building A Face for Your Brand

Elon Musk, C.E.O. of SpaceX and Tesla (two of America’s highest valued companies. One of which is privately held), is neither a rocket scientist, a computer engineer, or a business scholar… He is all three! That’s right, the ‘for one week‘ richest man in the world (January 2021) entered Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, asContinue reading “Building A Face for Your Brand”

Is Marketing A Social Science??

In a purely academic sense, most Universities would say no. But I would argue yes. Most educational institutions seem to label Marketing as a Commerce subject. But I feel this is misleading for the following reasons: Having a personal background in the Humanities, and not Business. When I began marketing I felt I had anContinue reading “Is Marketing A Social Science??”

Raising Necessity: Why & How

How do the best copywriters in Canada grow their business? Do you ever feel guilty of not living your best life? Or living up to the standards you’ve set for yourself? Well, this guilt is a good thing. It means you actually have standards. Whereas some people run their lives blind and unprincipled as animals,Continue reading “Raising Necessity: Why & How”

How To Form Partnerships: Strategy! 

Learn how to develop partnerships like the best copywriters in Canada IN 6 STEPS! In today’s day and age, with independent contracting and freelancing becoming ever more popular. We have to remember that it doesn’t have to be just us all of the time. We need to remember the importance of forming and nurturing strategicContinue reading “How To Form Partnerships: Strategy! “

6 Steps To The Ultimate Brand Building Plan

 Scenarios where your company’s message misses its target when not using the best copywriters in Canada, or worse falls short completely, are way more popular. But way worse for sales than the infamous overly pushy salesperson.  So, here are 6 quick tips to add to your marketing strategy and begin today to better send yourContinue reading “6 Steps To The Ultimate Brand Building Plan”

One-Liners & Slogans: Why Your Company Needs a One-Liner

“I’m lovin’ it”… “Have it your way”… “A diamond is forever”… these are a just few of the many One-Liners and Slogans customers can recall hearing. Companies have used One-Liners and Slogans to keep customers coming back time after time. A good one-liner rings in the ear of those who hear and say it. AContinue reading “One-Liners & Slogans: Why Your Company Needs a One-Liner”