Wanna Run Profitable Ads on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube? Steal my SOP Today

Wanna run profitable ads on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube?

If so, this training document was made for YOU!

Below is a physical copy of my ad agency’s internal standard operating procedure (SOP)

I created it for my team and clients so we can maximize organization and efficiency.

Every big name in the game has one.

These campaigns make digital advertising simple, effective and fast to implement…

And some Clients make multi-million dollar results from having these campaigns.

This document reveals all the strategy and implementation processes behind our results-driven campaigns…

Why would I reveal this?


I don't really write ads for Clients anymore...

Nowadays I spend my time selling books and consulting clients at to make their ads pay.

This training document works as a great lead magnet.

It really helps people if they implement it on their own - WIN FOR YOU!

And I know that some people who request this document will be so impressed by it, that they’ll want to work with me further.

Now that I’ve deftly addressed you skeptics…

Inside the file, you’ll receive:

- Our personal SMM reporting SYSTEM for Clients 

- Step step-by-step instructions for creating ads 

- The Block Bard's FB Ads Copywriting Rubric SYSTEM

These documents work for Facebook, Instagram & YouTube or ANY Market you already exist in or are trying to break into.

When you click the button below, you’ll have an opportunity to get a DIGITAL version of this SOP…

Absolutely FREE!

Here’s the “catch”:

You have to subscribe to my Blog “Professional Sales Copy” in order to receive this document…



I want to see if you’re willing to agree for more information from me before I fork over this valuable content.

Those that are committed to the long term are the ones who succeed with what I share.

This is your first test.

Are you committed to getting the most ROI from your ads both now and forever more?

If so...

Click the button below to get your copy of the Conversion Branding system today!

To the victor belong the spoils,

Mackenzie Andres. 

P.S. This SOP will knock your socks off and help you make YOUR ADS PAY!

You get a free digital copy when you subscribe to the Blog by clicking the button below…