#1 FREE-BOOK+SHIPPING V.S.L. SCRIPT (Video Sales Letter)

***(for non conversions after 60 days)*** #1 FREE-BOOK+SHIPPING (SHIPPING INFO) VIDEO The Uniform Code of military Justice specifies court-martial for any officer who sends a soldier into battle without a weapon. And there should be a similar protection for students. Because students shouldn’t go out into life without an ability to communicate. Because your successContinue reading “#1 FREE-BOOK+SHIPPING V.S.L. SCRIPT (Video Sales Letter)”

How To Run Paid Ads as a Beginner! (Ad Training Course Copy)

News flash: paid adverts are the best way to get clients… But you shouldn’t run them. If you’re a beginner agency owner, you won’t be able to afford them. If you don’t have a good case study funnel, they won’t work. If you don’t know the targeting to use to find real business owners receptiveContinue reading “How To Run Paid Ads as a Beginner! (Ad Training Course Copy)”

B.A. (Brand Awareness) Pamphlet + Donations Copy + 2 C.T.A.s (Call to Actions)

What We do – Epiphany Why We Do It – Painting How You Can Help – Instruction + Commitment WHAT WE DO: THANK-YOU Location or Demography!!!’s efforts have officially reached 3 million readers online! To celebrate, we’ve published our first 2 non-profit Case-Studies. One of which was to directly reduce the crime in one particularContinue reading “B.A. (Brand Awareness) Pamphlet + Donations Copy + 2 C.T.A.s (Call to Actions)”

Brand Awareness Stage: S.O.P. Double Document Giveaway

There’s a lot of moving pieces to a winning Facebook ad campaign. There’s the offers, landing pages, audiences, ad copies, creatives, campaign strategies, test results, headlines.., So many that if you’re not really good at staying organized you can get lost and end up hurting your long term results. At my agency we have twoContinue reading “Brand Awareness Stage: S.O.P. Double Document Giveaway”

3 Deadly Sins Of Email Marketing…

The 3 Deadly Sins Of Email Marketing ? … Email gets a bad wrap. It’s not like any kids are dreaming of becoming an email marketer when they grow up lol If you told your friends you do email marketing for a living, they’d probably give you the ole “damn that sucks for you”… ButContinue reading “3 Deadly Sins Of Email Marketing…”

Download My Funnel Marketing Kit for FREE

To sell your courses or coaching these days, all the experts say you need a FUNNEL ? But the problem is… Nobody has the time (or master copywriting skills!) to create all the content that’s required for a successful funnel. It’s frustrating, right? ? Spending all that time developing the ultimate course or coaching programContinue reading “Download My Funnel Marketing Kit for FREE”