Not Email Marketing? Big Mistake! Here’s Why…

Why you’re losing 70% potential revenue if you’re not doing email marketing… Are you not doing email marketing because 90% of people told you it’s dead?Or it’s stupid to spend time/money setting it up because you felt no one reads email?Unfortunately, you’re making a costly mistake!Where you’re making $10k/month and leaving $20k-$50k on the table.Continue reading “Not Email Marketing? Big Mistake! Here’s Why…”

3 Deadly Sins Of Email Marketing…

The 3 Deadly Sins Of Email Marketing ? … Email gets a bad wrap. It’s not like any kids are dreaming of becoming an email marketer when they grow up lol If you told your friends you do email marketing for a living, they’d probably give you the ole “damn that sucks for you”… ButContinue reading “3 Deadly Sins Of Email Marketing…”

Recently burned by a bad coach? Read This…

During one of my launches, someone emailed me and said: “I just spent $$$ on a coach whose promises were high and let’s just say I wish I had my money back. I’ve been recently burned again so it’s not the money, but the “when will this work”?” I could write a thesis on howContinue reading “Recently burned by a bad coach? Read This…”

Headline Heaven: Sunday Digest | All of the Week’s Infographics

Sunday Digest: Last Week’s InfographicsHere are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place!The 20 Internet Giants That Rule the Web A lot has changed since Yahoo and AOL were the homepages of choice. This graphic looks at the largest internet giants in the U.S. since 1998. Seeing Red: Is the HeydeyContinue reading “Headline Heaven: Sunday Digest | All of the Week’s Infographics”

Christmas Marketing “I Bought a Company”: secret message from ‘Public Figure’?

Hey – I’m not sure if you heard or not… But one of my BIGGEST mentors in this game of business is a legend named ‘Public Figure’. BY FAR the most quoted “guru” in the _________ industry… In fact, if you look at “marketing genealogy” – all roads lead back to ‘Public Figure’. Every marketingContinue reading “Christmas Marketing “I Bought a Company”: secret message from ‘Public Figure’?”

Men’s Fitness: Don’t believe the lies that you tell yourself that reinforce these unconscious behavior patterns:

You are the collection of your HabitsDon’t believe the lies that you tell yourself that reinforce these unconscious behavior patterns : Binge EatingNo amount of food or comfort is going to cover up the reality of the situation your in. Addictions are just forms of escapism that numb the mind and distract us from theContinue reading “Men’s Fitness: Don’t believe the lies that you tell yourself that reinforce these unconscious behavior patterns:”

Two extremely overlooked factors that may be preventing you from losing the GUT!!

You are the collection of your HabitsTwo extremely overlooked factors that may be preventing you from losing the GUT!! Inflammation: There’s good and bad inflammation but most of the population is walking around plagued with chronic inflammation. Essentially, chronic inflammation is cell dysfunction which leads to dysfunction and accumulation of adipose fat cells. Insulin Insensitivity:Continue reading “Two extremely overlooked factors that may be preventing you from losing the GUT!!”