Men’s Fitness: Don’t believe the lies that you tell yourself that reinforce these unconscious behavior patterns:

You are the collection of your HabitsDon’t believe the lies that you tell yourself that reinforce these unconscious behavior patterns : Binge EatingNo amount of food or comfort is going to cover up the reality of the situation your in. Addictions are just forms of escapism that numb the mind and distract us from theContinue reading “Men’s Fitness: Don’t believe the lies that you tell yourself that reinforce these unconscious behavior patterns:”

Men’s Fitness: I don’t say this lightly…

I don’t say this lightly… If you want to lose the weight and keep it off… the 1 # exercise you should focus on is HABIT. If you want to lose 12-24lbs and feel what it feels like to look down and see your flat stomach again. If you want to feel powerful and confidentContinue reading “Men’s Fitness: I don’t say this lightly…”

Men’s Fitness: Feeling angry or stuck with your weight loss goals?

Feeling angry or stuck with your weight loss goals? I get it man. It takes a lot of energy It ain’t easy to get and STAY in shape when we live in a world of constant stress to provide on top of having minimal time to prioritize health. Family needs your energy, Work needs youContinue reading “Men’s Fitness: Feeling angry or stuck with your weight loss goals?”

Men’s Fitness Coaching: You’re a Liar

You’re a Liar. And it’s the #1 reason you’re not where you want to be with your fitness and every other pillar of success in your life. That may sting but let me explain, Maybe your not currently in a crisis but deep down you know that “good enough” is killing you slowly. Or maybeContinue reading “Men’s Fitness Coaching: You’re a Liar”

Men’s Fitness Coaching Program– New Year Beta Launch

New Years Beta Launch So I’m thinking of putting together 5-10 busy guys who want to go into 2022 with a fire in their bellies, feeling revitalized and powerful, This will be for you if you want to drop between 12 and 24+ lbs in 12-16 weeks and you want to get your vigor, energy,Continue reading “Men’s Fitness Coaching Program– New Year Beta Launch”

Men’s Fitness: As men today, we may often feel the need to take up less space or make ourselves smaller.

You are the collection of your Habits As men today, we may often feel the need to take up less space or make ourselves smaller. Masculinity has gone through many iterations and societal perceptions since the birth of the ancient man. We can either blame society for the degradation of masculinity or we can takeContinue reading “Men’s Fitness: As men today, we may often feel the need to take up less space or make ourselves smaller.”

Men’s Fitness Video: Your Story around your Genetics is a Lie!?

Are you telling yourself a story around your genetics? That you’ll never be able to obtain the lean, muscular, physique that you desire because of the genes you inherited? I’m telling you right now, It’s bullshit. You get to choose in this lifetime which genes you express and which you don’t. In this video IContinue reading “Men’s Fitness Video: Your Story around your Genetics is a Lie!?”

Men’s Fitness: I haven’t tracked calories or macros in over 4 years.

I haven’t tracked calories or macros in 4 years. I was a complete neurotic with my nutrition from 2014- 2016. I’d weigh out my food on a scale. Miss social events. And basically wonder around like a fitness zombie. Eventually I had enough. I was missing out on life and my results to show forContinue reading “Men’s Fitness: I haven’t tracked calories or macros in over 4 years.”

Join Fitness Coaching Program–Less Than ___ Days till it’s 2022

Less than X amount of days till it’s 2022… Planning on coming out on top, leaner and more muscular than before? Or is it going to be another New Years eve feeling like you’re already too far behind to even get started on your weightloss goals? … I’m putting together 2-3 high achievers who areContinue reading “Join Fitness Coaching Program–Less Than ___ Days till it’s 2022”