+3.6M reached via The Block Bard CLASSICS [Social Media Marketing]

In 2020 Instagram announced that you could cross post with Facebook and link your Facebook and Instagram business accounts online with added tools like: Creator Studio, Accounts Manager, etc.

This led to saving time in the content creation process. As cross-posting has been what the top creators have been doing for over a decade.

What is cross posting?

In the shortest explanation, it is creating once and distributing forever.

Amazon FBA Publishing: 16,731+ Copies of “Strategy for Success” Sold in 18 Months! [Direct Advertising]

‘A Simple but Effective Strategy for Success’ was The Block Bard books first attempt at Amazon FBA publishing which released back in January of 2021.

Almost 2 years later, and not without our setbacks! we are unveiling the 18 month results of our first Amazon FBA expansion…

SEO Traffic Optimization: Calgary Construction Company Ranked #2 on Search in 12 Weeks with 12 Blogs [Blogging]

Reborn Renovations was a well-established construction business based in Calgary, but lacking SEO traffic optimization, they were struggling to generate leads through their website. Their website was outdated, and they had little to no presence on search engines.

To address this issue, we began by conducting a thorough audit of their website and identifying areas for improvement. We found that the website was not mobile-friendly, had poor navigation, and lacked clear calls-to-action.

How To Run Paid Ads as a Beginner! (Ad Training Course Copy)

News flash: paid adverts are the best way to get clients… But you shouldn’t run them. If you’re a beginner agency owner, you won’t be able to afford them. If you don’t have a good case study funnel, they won’t work. If you don’t know the targeting to use to find real business owners receptiveContinue reading “How To Run Paid Ads as a Beginner! (Ad Training Course Copy)”

Live Event Tickets Sales: Description Copy Example

? During this Live Event You’ll Discover… ? Why 99% of businesses, brands, and marketing professionals are going about social media the wrong way (wasting time and money in the process) ? That going viral has more to do with science than luck (and what your content must have to make it happen) ? TheContinue reading “Live Event Tickets Sales: Description Copy Example”

B.A. (Brand Awareness) Pamphlet + Donations Copy + 2 C.T.A.s (Call to Actions)

What We do – Epiphany Why We Do It – Painting How You Can Help – Instruction + Commitment WHAT WE DO: THANK-YOU Location or Demography!!!’s efforts have officially reached 3 million readers online! To celebrate, we’ve published our first 2 non-profit Case-Studies. One of which was to directly reduce the crime in one particularContinue reading “B.A. (Brand Awareness) Pamphlet + Donations Copy + 2 C.T.A.s (Call to Actions)”

$20 Book: Sales Copy Description Ad Example

I saw this Tweet a while back: *”The ridiculously simple math behind $100,000+ per year freelancing:* *- Charge $75/hr (you may need to work up to it, that’s fine)* *- Work 30-35 hrs a week (includes prospecting)* *- Enjoy 4 weeks of vacation each year* *Anyone can do this.”* Really? Do you agree with that?Continue reading “$20 Book: Sales Copy Description Ad Example”

Brand Awareness Stage: S.O.P. Double Document Giveaway

There’s a lot of moving pieces to a winning Facebook ad campaign. There’s the offers, landing pages, audiences, ad copies, creatives, campaign strategies, test results, headlines.., So many that if you’re not really good at staying organized you can get lost and end up hurting your long term results. At my agency we have twoContinue reading “Brand Awareness Stage: S.O.P. Double Document Giveaway”

How To Sell Your Art Today: Artist’s Freedom Formula Book Copy Description

Hi, I’m Name and I’m an artist that sells my art every single day of the year, without posting to social media or using galleries. I’ve finally put everything I do, and everything I know about building passionate audiences and selling art online, into a jammed-packed and easy-to-digest ebook called the “_________________”. You can pickContinue reading “How To Sell Your Art Today: Artist’s Freedom Formula Book Copy Description”

Copywriting Course Sales Copy

The Most Thorough Writing Course That Has Ever Been Offered To The PublicBy _________________. Do not buy without reading this section… Hello. Quick intro. My name is Name, Professional writer since Year. $XXX in revenue for my clients, written over 4000 emails, hundreds of ads, sales pages, and SMS messages for some of the biggestContinue reading “Copywriting Course Sales Copy”