
+3.6M reached via The Block Bard CLASSICS [Social Media Marketing]

In 2020 Instagram announced that you could cross post with Facebook and link your Facebook and Instagram business accounts online with added tools like: Creator Studio, Accounts Manager, etc.

This led to saving time in the content creation process. As cross-posting has been what the top creators have been doing for over a decade.

What is cross posting?

In the shortest explanation, it is creating once and distributing forever.

How To Stop SELLING and Start SERVING Today!

Writing this in a +36 degree celsius office without AC has got me thinking immensely about why I do this, instead of doing some more meditative work outside in the wind and shade. *Update March 2022: We got an AC unit… First off, because we have the freedom to not work from here, we couldContinue reading “How To Stop SELLING and Start SERVING Today!”

The Sophists & Aristotle’s Newest Oldest Advertising Trend?

It’s Honesty… Here’s why: Honestly, nothing can be more comfortable from a buyer’s perspective than buying from a reputable and trustworthy source. Yet we’ve still seen advertisers over the decades move more towards social and psychological tactics in their copy and creatives, to the end of well, of course… increasing their sales. Obviously we wouldn’tContinue reading “The Sophists & Aristotle’s Newest Oldest Advertising Trend?”

The Science of Religion; Philosophy and Faith

The majority of the world’s population has also found in religion a core belief system fulfills the innate human need for meaning and purpose, acting as a shield against existential angst and moral dilemmas. Additionally, it can be argued that religion establishes a common-belief system which fosters cooperation and understanding between members, thus making society less susceptible to friction. In fact, the use of religion as a social tool may largely explain its staying power and cross-cultural ubiquity.

Human societies have indeed found in religion a solution to induce individuals to be nicer to each other as it outsources social and moral monitoring to a supernatural force that is all-seeing and omnipresent.

The Fall of Pax Azteca: The Greatest American Empire

On the night of the 21st of February, 1978, on a residential street in the middle of Mexico City, a group of workmen were digging through the hard asphalt of the road. They were working for the Mexican City electric company and their job was to run cables across the street and through the wholeContinue reading “The Fall of Pax Azteca: The Greatest American Empire”

How Robots Create More Jobs Than They Kill

All too often we see people saying that machine is taking peoples jobs. From assembly line automatons yesterday, to self-checkout systems today.

Examples in history are not hard to find if we take a closer look. The industrial age had them. The digital age has them. Heck, even the stone age had them when people began using tools to kill ever larger animals for food, while the people who didn’t adapt themselves to the new technology were still stuck snacking on small sized rodents.

But, you bet your bottom that someone likely said in caveman speak ‘what is Rodi the rodent catcher going to do, now that we eat Mammoth all day!’

Over the eons automation has always served for the most part our best interest.

The Power of Language

It is estimated that the human population currently boasts anywhere between 5,000 to 7,000 languages, depending on the distinction between language and dialect. This number is quite impressive, and when you consider ancient, forgotten, and extinct languages, it’s even more interesting. Today we see a proliferation of languages never before experienced, even with the creationContinue reading “The Power of Language”

What is Culture? And How does it Affect You??

Learning is the foundation of any successful endeavour in life, whether learning the alphabet so you can verbally communicate what you are thinking or practicing fishing so you can catch more fish and feed your family. Humans have developed complex systems of behaviour and beliefs to help them manage and streamline their lives in theContinue reading “What is Culture? And How does it Affect You??”

How The Humanities Hits You in the Heart

If you are able to better understand the basic framework of society and its operations you will inevitably be more adept at analyzing what changes need to be made to drive us forward.
Similarly, humanities provide us with the blueprints for all modes of human thinking and
helps us understand how to make sense of the world around us since we simultaneously shape, and are shaped by it.

Is Marketing A Social Science??

In a purely academic sense, most Universities would say no. But I would argue yes. Most educational institutions seem to label Marketing as a Commerce subject. But I feel this is misleading for the following reasons: Having a personal background in the Humanities, and not Business. When I began marketing I felt I had anContinue reading “Is Marketing A Social Science??”