7 Ancient Roman Inventions We Still Use Today

The reason nations like the United States and Canada have a Republic (Roman), a Democracy (Greek), and Figurehead Representative as the President or Prime Minister, is because the American founding fathers found it best to study the history of other great nations, and even bad ones, before founding their own.

Even though Americans abhorrence for monarchies is well known, having a president goes back to the ancient times of Kings and having someone to see to as a leader, and/or blame as a failure, which Rome did not have from Romulus 700B.C. to Caesar 36B.C.

Democratic Political Party Election Letter

DEAR PERSON I’m sending you this urgent letter because I believe you and I are on the same side of the most important political battle in Country history. On one side, it’s people like you and me – principled Country and committed Shared Political Viewpoints who believe in Shared Beliefs List. And, on the otherContinue reading “Democratic Political Party Election Letter”

Destroying Canadian Churches; A Hate Crime? or Modern Political Expression?

While we don’t normally cover anything political, especially local, our last report in support of local businesses who failed to receive the advertising they paid for, blew up. And in support of spiritual institutions without disregard for progress, we felt the need to publish this piece. With a background in political history and religion, asContinue reading “Destroying Canadian Churches; A Hate Crime? or Modern Political Expression?”

History & Democracy

If the modern understanding of democracy is ‘a torch that shines for a time before burning you’  – think of the great city state of Athens and Renaissance city republics – it feels as if the very social fabric that most democratic institutions are founded on are beginning to go through stress tests, but theContinue reading “History & Democracy”

Pompeii for Plebs: A Brief on the Smoking City

When the majestic Mount Vesuvius decided to erupt on 24th August 79 CE, it sent shock waves throughout the region of the devastation it wreaked on the people of the small cities underneath its shadow. It didn’t occur to the Romans that Mount Vesuvius was still an active volcano and that it might erupt anyContinue reading “Pompeii for Plebs: A Brief on the Smoking City”

The Collapse of Carthage and Rise of Rome

The Mediterranean Basin has been the cradle of world civilizations since the first settlements in Jericho thousands of years ago. Known in English and the romance languages as the sea “between the lands,” the Mediterranean has shaped the cultures and identities of many nations and civilizations over the course of history. No other such basinContinue reading “The Collapse of Carthage and Rise of Rome”

Admiral Zheng He and China’s Golden Age

One of the most enduring symbols of the Ming dynasty’s eagerness to extend international relations under the emperor Yongle, is the seven sea voyages of admiral Zheng He. Yongle’s predecessors had been cautious to the point of isolationism when it came to foreign relations, especially after the recent Mongol invasion which saw China being ruledContinue reading “Admiral Zheng He and China’s Golden Age”

Give Us Our Daily Bread; Or We Won’t Vote For You!

“The people who once gave out military commands, made magistrates, and summoned legions – the people who did everything – now content themselves and wait anxiously for two things – bread and circuses.” – Juvenal, Satire The Roman satirist Juvenal observed that the people, who once held some serious political clout, gave up whatever influenceContinue reading “Give Us Our Daily Bread; Or We Won’t Vote For You!”

The Fall of Pax Azteca: The Greatest American Empire

On the night of the 21st of February, 1978, on a residential street in the middle of Mexico City, a group of workmen were digging through the hard asphalt of the road. They were working for the Mexican City electric company and their job was to run cables across the street and through the wholeContinue reading “The Fall of Pax Azteca: The Greatest American Empire”

Bronze Age Globalism, and The Sea Peoples?

Around the years 1200-1100 BC, right at the end of the Bronze Age a wave of destruction razed across the region. It wiped whole civilizations off the map and discriminated against none. Ancient civilization like the Ugarit, Minoans, and Mycenaean Greeks disappeared altogether, completely disappearing from the records and leaving fragmented pieces of evidence behind. Some parts of the region took almost a 1000 years to fully recover from the disaster and its effects can still be seen to this day. What happened in the region stands to be one of humanity’s most hotly debated mysteries.