Headline Heaven: Sunday Digest | All of the Week’s Infographics

Sunday Digest: Last Week’s InfographicsHere are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place!The 20 Internet Giants That Rule the Web A lot has changed since Yahoo and AOL were the homepages of choice. This graphic looks at the largest internet giants in the U.S. since 1998. Seeing Red: Is the HeydeyContinue reading “Headline Heaven: Sunday Digest | All of the Week’s Infographics”

How To Change Your Reputation: 6 Steps to Becoming the Best YOU

Losers often have the most opinions because it hurts them to see you succeed basically anywhere when they can’t even succeed at a certain thing.

This is why most teachers will laugh when you tell them your going to start a 6 figure business or write a best-selling book, simply because they are spiteful they cannot do it themselves…

BUT… the only reason they can’t, is only because they listened to the people who told them they couldn’t.

Success can be defined as the progressive realization of any worthy ideal.

“Just so long as you can be talked out of yourself, you deserve to be.”
– Alan Watts

7 Ancient Roman Inventions We Still Use Today

The reason nations like the United States and Canada have a Republic (Roman), a Democracy (Greek), and Figurehead Representative as the President or Prime Minister, is because the American founding fathers found it best to study the history of other great nations, and even bad ones, before founding their own.

Even though Americans abhorrence for monarchies is well known, having a president goes back to the ancient times of Kings and having someone to see to as a leader, and/or blame as a failure, which Rome did not have from Romulus 700B.C. to Caesar 36B.C.

Democratic Political Party Election Letter

DEAR PERSON I’m sending you this urgent letter because I believe you and I are on the same side of the most important political battle in Country history. On one side, it’s people like you and me – principled Country and committed Shared Political Viewpoints who believe in Shared Beliefs List. And, on the otherContinue reading “Democratic Political Party Election Letter”

What the Heck is Lorem Ipsum? How Cicero’s Misread Message Became The ‘Norm’ for Text Box Filler

Many millennia ago, or actually, precisely rather two, lived a cool cat named Cicero. Well really, he was a man, who disagreed with many of the things publicly spoken at the time, and wasn’t exactly afraid to ‘voice his opinion’ some people who had the pleasure of meeting him today might say. His fame asContinue reading “What the Heck is Lorem Ipsum? How Cicero’s Misread Message Became The ‘Norm’ for Text Box Filler”

Destroying Canadian Churches; A Hate Crime? or Modern Political Expression?

While we don’t normally cover anything political, especially local, our last report in support of local businesses who failed to receive the advertising they paid for, blew up. And in support of spiritual institutions without disregard for progress, we felt the need to publish this piece. With a background in political history and religion, asContinue reading “Destroying Canadian Churches; A Hate Crime? or Modern Political Expression?”

Why YOU Need Systems to Avoid Stagnancy

One of the biggest things we can learn from the most successful people of any field or trade is to structure our days and activities just like they do if we want any hope of being where they are. “If you leave your growth to randomness, you will always live in the land of mediocrity.”Continue reading “Why YOU Need Systems to Avoid Stagnancy”

History & Democracy

If the modern understanding of democracy is ‘a torch that shines for a time before burning you’  – think of the great city state of Athens and Renaissance city republics – it feels as if the very social fabric that most democratic institutions are founded on are beginning to go through stress tests, but theContinue reading “History & Democracy”

The Sophists & Aristotle’s Newest Oldest Advertising Trend?

It’s Honesty… Here’s why: Honestly, nothing can be more comfortable from a buyer’s perspective than buying from a reputable and trustworthy source. Yet we’ve still seen advertisers over the decades move more towards social and psychological tactics in their copy and creatives, to the end of well, of course… increasing their sales. Obviously we wouldn’tContinue reading “The Sophists & Aristotle’s Newest Oldest Advertising Trend?”