4 Digital Advertising Tips for Your Marketing Strategy?

You should note that digital advertising has arisen as a crucial component of modern marketing tactics. If it isn’t already included in your company’s overall marketing strategy, it should be. You will be able to successfully grow your online presence, regardless of whether your business is B2B or B2C, by correctly implementing digital advertisements. YourContinue reading “4 Digital Advertising Tips for Your Marketing Strategy?”

How To Change Your Reputation: 6 Steps to Becoming the Best YOU

Losers often have the most opinions because it hurts them to see you succeed basically anywhere when they can’t even succeed at a certain thing.

This is why most teachers will laugh when you tell them your going to start a 6 figure business or write a best-selling book, simply because they are spiteful they cannot do it themselves…

BUT… the only reason they can’t, is only because they listened to the people who told them they couldn’t.

Success can be defined as the progressive realization of any worthy ideal.

“Just so long as you can be talked out of yourself, you deserve to be.”
– Alan Watts

Marketing Angles: 8 Examples to Copy

The number one reason an ad resonates with its audience, and better yet, continues to resonate for weeks, or even months after, is not the creative… and sadly it’s not the copy either… it’s the Marketing Angles. Great Marketing Angles set themselves apart from the crowd by touching on human principles of influence from anContinue reading “Marketing Angles: 8 Examples to Copy”

11 Things That Will Kill Your Blog Posts Every-time

You have begun writing a blog. Whether it is for a client or yourself, you’ve foundblog posting to be a daunting task. Like always, we are not here to place a hook. Instead, we will begin with the conclusions. Blogs are worth it, but they are hard work. They are worth it because blog postsContinue reading “11 Things That Will Kill Your Blog Posts Every-time”

4 Low-Cost Local Social Ad Strategies That Convert Like Crazy

Many marketers and businesses will do this themselves or have been for years if the industry fits.

This is why the random bar down the street will ask you for your birthday if it ever does; to sell you free stuff in exchange for you keeping them in mind. Not to track you while your eating and sleeping… Like some advertising platforms we know..

Market-Share & Why Netflix Doesn’t Care if You Share Your Password

Most Families have a single Netflix subscription. Whether it’s a family of 3, or 13, there will be only 1 monthly payment charged to 1 member of the family. And when the kids finally move out they will get their own Netflix subscriptions, right? WRONG. Well, at least not that fast. They will continue toContinue reading “Market-Share & Why Netflix Doesn’t Care if You Share Your Password”

Telling Someone How to Advertise…While Asking for Their Business

You can’t ask someone for their business while telling them how to advertise. It can’t be done! Plain and simple. Oh, you thought I was going to make you read until end to find out the answer? We do things a little differently around here. You’re still going to read to the end though, becauseContinue reading “Telling Someone How to Advertise…While Asking for Their Business”

How To Advertise Online: 3 Reasons The Best Businesses use Copywriters!

How to Advertise Online? So you have a business or company, small or global; doesn’t matter, and you’ve spent a lot of money on graphic design, web design, marketing, etc.,  Then why are you hesitating to invest money in words which are the actual asset to your business??? The words in any advertisement also knownContinue reading “How To Advertise Online: 3 Reasons The Best Businesses use Copywriters!”

How To Advertise EFFECTIVELY: 4 Tips To Start Email Marketing TODAY

Email marketing is by far the most under-rated form of advertising and marketing your business. Why? Because it’s not only one of the fastest growing platforms, but it also remains the cheapest. To top that off, over 60% of consumers say it’s their preferred method to be contacted by companies! Learn how to advertise effectivelyContinue reading “How To Advertise EFFECTIVELY: 4 Tips To Start Email Marketing TODAY”

Calgary Stampede and the BMO Centre’s Butchery of Local Businesses 2021

When current Alberta premier Jason Kenney announced that the over 100 year old event known as the Calgary Stampede was going through despite the previous year’s pandemic and panic, local businesses, especially vendors and contributors of previous years had a reason to get their hopes up. However despite the reduction in this year’s vendors dueContinue reading “Calgary Stampede and the BMO Centre’s Butchery of Local Businesses 2021”