LifeHacks & LinkCity: Why you should try Telegram, a new LEGO Architecture set, Google’s secret pinball game, and more

Finding a dedicated messaging app for your family, sports team, or band can be a bit of a challenge. But what if the best messaging app has been hiding in plain sight? Telegram launched in 2013, and it’s slowly grown into one of social media’s great hidden gems. Its messaging tools are incredibly robust, withContinue reading “LifeHacks & LinkCity: Why you should try Telegram, a new LEGO Architecture set, Google’s secret pinball game, and more”

LifeHacks & LinkCity: Take Awesome Holiday Photos at Home, Save on a UV Sanitizer, and More

Tip of the Day Frequent shoveling helps prevent ice buildup under snowfall and ensures when the sun finally comes out it can heat your driveway and sidewalks more efficiently. Happy Tuesday! All of you are scattered in climates of all kinds, but where I am it’s got big “It’s beginning to look a lot likeContinue reading “LifeHacks & LinkCity: Take Awesome Holiday Photos at Home, Save on a UV Sanitizer, and More”

Christmas Life Hacks: Steamed Milk, Pie Birds, Sound Blocking Curtains, and More

Happy Friday! If you’re big into houseplants now is a great time to pop over to your local stores and check their indoor plant sections for clearance items. It’s Christmas in November for folks who love the thought of $5 plants. This might be the part where I confess I loaded up the back ofContinue reading “Christmas Life Hacks: Steamed Milk, Pie Birds, Sound Blocking Curtains, and More”

Market-Share & Why Netflix Doesn’t Care if You Share Your Password

Most Families have a single Netflix subscription. Whether it’s a family of 3, or 13, there will be only 1 monthly payment charged to 1 member of the family. And when the kids finally move out they will get their own Netflix subscriptions, right? WRONG. Well, at least not that fast. They will continue toContinue reading “Market-Share & Why Netflix Doesn’t Care if You Share Your Password”

What the Heck is Lorem Ipsum? How Cicero’s Misread Message Became The ‘Norm’ for Text Box Filler

Many millennia ago, or actually, precisely rather two, lived a cool cat named Cicero. Well really, he was a man, who disagreed with many of the things publicly spoken at the time, and wasn’t exactly afraid to ‘voice his opinion’ some people who had the pleasure of meeting him today might say. His fame asContinue reading “What the Heck is Lorem Ipsum? How Cicero’s Misread Message Became The ‘Norm’ for Text Box Filler”