The Block Bard writing service is a Copywriting and Consulting agency that does more than just sales and branding…We speak fluent internet!
We create words that move people to buy: scroll-stopping images,engaging emails and marketing strategies to ensure your other talents don’t get lost in the digital abyss.
Who We Work With
Everyone from dental practices to dog toy companies, education providers and dynamic little start-ups work with us to convert more customers and rank 1st page on Google.
When it comes to targeting that dream customer with performance-based copy and creatives, we’ll take you where you need to go. So you can get back to more important things (like inventing the world’s chewiest dog toy.)
Just a Few of our Satisfied Clients
TUPPERWARE BRANDS Content Creation ***NEW*** Marketing Content Sales LettersKING & CO BARBER STUDIO Social Media Marketing/Ads Management One-Liner Google PageWINDOWVIA CLEANING SERVICES Social Media Marketing/Ads Management One-Liner Website CopyE-COMMERCE PET SUPPLY SEO E-Commerce Product DescriptionsRETAIL ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT One-Liners & SlogansWEED CONTROL & LAWN CARE Top-Selling Sales/Newsletters + Upsell Email Sequence MarketingGRATITUDE CLEANING YYC Content Creation S.M.M./Ads ManagementDIEM TECHNOLOGIES Website & Mobile app copy +Upsell & Empty cart Email MarketingPRIVATE CALGARY REAL-ESTATE SMM & Content CreationEXP REALTY S.O.P. Documents & Content CreationPINNACLE MEDIA INC. Facebook Ads for E-commerceWORLD VISION Door-to-door Sales Scripts
Why Work With TBB?
We are one of the only agencies out there that can offer you Guaranteed Marketing Services
We let you breathe by handling everything from Copy to Creative to Consulting
We create multi-platform advertising funnels and custom-tailored value ladders that set your business apart from its competitors, allowing you to scale with simple but effective automated systems.
You want ads tailored to build awareness, tempt more research, convert windowshoppers and remind your customers you still have plenty to offer. Sometimes these ads overlap. Sometimes they don’t.
One thing’s for sure–at The Block Bard, we know the pointiest end of the marketing funnel is long-term customer loyalty. So we’ll always make the most of your budget, and the best of your brand.
Did You know?
The #1 Reason Websites, Ads & Emails don’t convert their customers is Sales Copy!
We’re looking to invest in one great business per month. Will it be yours?
Qualify For Your Free Consultation Today
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Step 2
What problem can I help you solve?
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Step 3
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Step 4
How much profit (EBITDA) did your business earn over the past 12 months?
Contact Information
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What’s covered in the consultation?
1. A basic proofreading of your company’s copywriting, sales / lead-funnels, overall brand and advertising strategy + as much advice as we can pack in 30 minutes
2. A summary of the services and estimated results covered by our “90-Day Better-Than-Money-Back-Guarantee™”
You have begun writing a blog. Whether it is for a client or yourself, you’ve foundblog posting to be a daunting task. Like always, we are not here to place a hook. Instead, we will begin with the conclusions. Blogs are worth it, but theyContinue reading “11 Things That Will Kill Your Blog Posts Every-time”
This pandemic has proven its ability, or rather the governments, to shut down home and family based businesses quicker than a King’s Court Stalin in the state of Kentucky! Now, why open with this? Because one of the reasons larger corporations aren’t hit as hardContinue reading “3 Simple Steps To Becoming A Better YOU”
You should note that digital advertising has arisen as a crucial component of modern marketing tactics. If it isn’t already included in your company’s overall marketing strategy, it should be. You will be able to successfully grow your online presence, regardless of whether your businessContinue reading “4 Digital Advertising Tips for Your Marketing Strategy?”
Many marketers and businesses will do this themselves or have been for years if the industry fits.
This is why the random bar down the street will ask you for your birthday if it ever does; to sell you free stuff in exchange for you keeping them in mind. Not to track you while your eating and sleeping… Like some advertising platforms we know..
One of the most powerful ways to gain new clients and customers is word of mouth. Because it’s free! Also, getting referrals is the most cost-effective way to get your services and brand out there but why does it feel so uncomfortable asking current customersContinue reading “5 Simple Tips to Get Great Client Referrals”
Have you ever sat in front of your computer with a really great idea but aren’t sure how to get your message across? Creating captivating copy and immersing your audience into your content is key. You want to compel them to stay on your siteContinue reading “6 Proven Ways of Creating Captivating Copy”
The reason nations like the United States and Canada have a Republic (Roman), a Democracy (Greek), and Figurehead Representative as the President or Prime Minister, is because the American founding fathers found it best to study the history of other great nations, and even bad ones, before founding their own.
Even though Americans abhorrence for monarchies is well known, having a president goes back to the ancient times of Kings and having someone to see to as a leader, and/or blame as a failure, which Rome did not have from Romulus 700B.C. to Caesar 36B.C.
Just like getting permission to sell the stars is a little far-fetched and out-there no matter who your lawyer is, NFT’s are too regulated by the people who said it was illegal to ride share without a cab license.. and then started Uber.
Just like how Bitcoin (the world’s first decentralized currency) sees its efficacy favouring currency trading and exchanges rather than it’s original purpose; to replace cash. So too do NFT’s act more like an amalgam of gambling and sports card trading than they do digital asset protection.
While we don’t normally cover anything political, especially local, our last report in support of local businesses who failed to receive the advertising they paid for, blew up. And in support of spiritual institutions without disregard for progress, we felt the need to publish thisContinue reading “Destroying Canadian Churches; A Hate Crime? or Modern Political Expression?”
If the modern understanding of democracy is ‘a torch that shines for a time before burning you’ – think of the great city state of Athens and Renaissance city republics – it feels as if the very social fabric that most democratic institutions are foundedContinue reading “History & Democracy”
The majority of the world’s population has also found in religion a core belief system fulfills the innate human need for meaning and purpose, acting as a shield against existential angst and moral dilemmas. Additionally, it can be argued that religion establishes a common-belief system which fosters cooperation and understanding between members, thus making society less susceptible to friction. In fact, the use of religion as a social tool may largely explain its staying power and cross-cultural ubiquity.
Human societies have indeed found in religion a solution to induce individuals to be nicer to each other as it outsources social and moral monitoring to a supernatural force that is all-seeing and omnipresent.
Helping Creative Companies Scale Their Marketing Since 2019