I’ll be happy when I get shredded. I’ll be happy when I have a successful business. I’ll be happy when I hit 7 figures. My whole life I’ve been chasing the unicorn that doesn’t exist. Guess what happened? Yes I got shredded. Yes I built successful businesses. Yes I made progress. But you wanna knowContinue reading “I’ll Be Happy When I… Fill in the Blank…”
Tag Archives: self-help
How To Change Your Reputation: 6 Steps to Becoming the Best YOU
Losers often have the most opinions because it hurts them to see you succeed basically anywhere when they can’t even succeed at a certain thing.
This is why most teachers will laugh when you tell them your going to start a 6 figure business or write a best-selling book, simply because they are spiteful they cannot do it themselves…
BUT… the only reason they can’t, is only because they listened to the people who told them they couldn’t.
Success can be defined as the progressive realization of any worthy ideal.
“Just so long as you can be talked out of yourself, you deserve to be.”
– Alan Watts
Life Coach Going Live: 36 hour warning & surprise Live
We’ll make this really quick Prospect Name. (2 points in 27 seconds) 1. Wanted to warn you that if you’re ready for your next level and are planning on joining YOUR NAME for the INSERT DATE INSERT PROGRAM/SERVICE, it’s getting down to decision time since this offer closes tomorrow. This is our best price everContinue reading “Life Coach Going Live: 36 hour warning & surprise Live”
Life Coaching: I’m Sorry Prospect Name!!
Hey Prospect Name, it’s _____________ from your live training with Your Name last weekend and I can’t sleep because my mind is racing! Your Name‘s irresistible Your Program/Service Virtual offer is going to close in a few hours at midnight Pacific time and I wanted to make sure you don’t miss out on this amazingContinue reading “Life Coaching: I’m Sorry Prospect Name!!”
Life Coaching 2021: You won’t believe these gifts, Prospect Name
Prospect Name, we’ve been through a lot together in the last 20 months – sometimes it’s hard to remember a world without chaos and uncertainty. Yet in the season of giving, anything is possible – even during challenging times. With Your Name’s world-class trainings on the ___________ App, full immersion at _____________ Virtual, and one-on-oneContinue reading “Life Coaching 2021: You won’t believe these gifts, Prospect Name”
Life Coaching 2021: Live in gratitude to unlock this season’s greatest gifts
Dear Prospect Name – it’s Your Name I wanted to reach out to you with a special message as we enter my favorite time of year, the sacred SEASON of GIVING. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stressors that come along with making preparations and getting the things done that are allContinue reading “Life Coaching 2021: Live in gratitude to unlock this season’s greatest gifts”
4 Critical Questions Every Man Must Answer
4 Critical Questions Every Man Must Answer Since the industrial revolution, our society has unfortunately adopted the idea that the measure of a man is in the currency he produces. It’s the sort of one dimensional bullshit that’s still prevalent today. You are a human BEING, not a human DOING. BE to DO Ask theseContinue reading “4 Critical Questions Every Man Must Answer”
How To Stop SELLING and Start SERVING Today!
Writing this in a +36 degree celsius office without AC has got me thinking immensely about why I do this, instead of doing some more meditative work outside in the wind and shade. *Update March 2022: We got an AC unit… First off, because we have the freedom to not work from here, we couldContinue reading “How To Stop SELLING and Start SERVING Today!”
Why YOU Need Systems to Avoid Stagnancy
One of the biggest things we can learn from the most successful people of any field or trade is to structure our days and activities just like they do if we want any hope of being where they are. “If you leave your growth to randomness, you will always live in the land of mediocrity.”Continue reading “Why YOU Need Systems to Avoid Stagnancy”
3 Simple Steps To Becoming A Better YOU
This pandemic has proven its ability, or rather the governments, to shut down home and family based businesses quicker than a King’s Court Stalin in the state of Kentucky! Now, why open with this? Because one of the reasons larger corporations aren’t hit as hard (or in other’s words; are staying open) is because well,Continue reading “3 Simple Steps To Becoming A Better YOU”