Life Coaching 2021: Live in gratitude to unlock this season’s greatest gifts

Dear Prospect Name – it’s Your Name

I wanted to reach out to you with a special message as we enter my favorite time of year, the sacred SEASON of GIVING.

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stressors that come along with making preparations and getting the things done that are all a part of our traditional festivities. All this on top of COVID, and there’s definitely plenty of stress to go around…

But, when we allow ourselves to get hooked by the emotions of stress, fear, anger, frustration, overwhelm, sadness, or worry, we are missing the true spirit of the season.

And my heartfelt wish is that after all that we’ve been through lately, you still find a way to make this the most joyous and enjoyable holiday season of your life.

I know this may sound like a pipe dream in the middle of the stress, but the good news is, science has proven that we can actually train ourselves to go into emotional states of appreciation and gratitude. AND, that when we do, we literally change our body’s biochemistry.

In fact, tapping into gratitude has been shown to prime our brain to find the good in things. Otherwise, our two-million-year-old brain that’s wired for survival runs the show. And it’s always busy looking for what’s wrong.

Remember: What’s wrong is always available. But so is what’s right.

We all know the two emotions that probably mess up our lives the most are FEAR & ANGER. And yet, there is an antidote: GRATITUDE.

The emotion of gratitude overwhelms the two negative emotions that we all feel at times.

So this season, let’s consciously activate the gratitude.

You can’t be angry and grateful at the same time. Nor can you be fearful and grateful at the same time. It’s pretty simple actually. In my own life, in order to balance the challenges and stress and make sure I squeeze all the joy available out of life, I’ve developed a daily practice that’s only 10 minutes. I call it PRIMING. And I do it for 10 minutes because if it was 20, many of us would say we don’t have time. (And I get it!) But if you don’t have 10 minutes to spare, then you don’t have a life!

If you’ve been to one of my seminars, you’ve experienced priming, but if not, click on this link and try it for 10 minutes today Even better, try it for the 12 days of Christmas, or the 8 nights of Hanukkah, or the 7 days of Kwanzaa and see what kind of energy it brings to you, your family, friends, and the community you love.

If you do this as the season begins, you’re giving a gift to yourself. And you might just discover you want to keep giving it beyond the season to make your experience of life that much more rich and fulfilling EVERY day.

It’s truly my heartfelt prayer that you’ll find the miracle of this experience we call life in the midst of all the crazy stimulus that we’ve all been exposed to the last couple years. I’m offering here just one other special video that hopefully helps put you in the mood of the season, because I know the demands are never-ending for all of us as parents, friends, family members, business people, and community contributors.
Message of Gratitude
Watch here and discover how to consciously activate gratitude today.

So let’s give thanks, Prospect Name. Not just for the extraordinary moments. Not just for the gifts wrapped up with a bow. But for every single moment of this magnificent life.

Love and Blessings,

Your Name

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