+3.6M reached via The Block Bard CLASSICS [Social Media Marketing]

In 2020 Instagram announced that you could cross post with Facebook and link your Facebook and Instagram business accounts online with added tools like: Creator Studio, Accounts Manager, etc.

This led to saving time in the content creation process. As cross-posting has been what the top creators have been doing for over a decade.

What is cross posting?

In the shortest explanation, it is creating once and distributing forever.

How To Run Paid Ads as a Beginner! (Ad Training Course Copy)

News flash: paid adverts are the best way to get clients… But you shouldn’t run them. If you’re a beginner agency owner, you won’t be able to afford them. If you don’t have a good case study funnel, they won’t work. If you don’t know the targeting to use to find real business owners receptiveContinue reading “How To Run Paid Ads as a Beginner! (Ad Training Course Copy)”

B.A. (Brand Awareness) Pamphlet + Donations Copy + 2 C.T.A.s (Call to Actions)

What We do – Epiphany Why We Do It – Painting How You Can Help – Instruction + Commitment WHAT WE DO: THANK-YOU Location or Demography!!!’s efforts have officially reached 3 million readers online! To celebrate, we’ve published our first 2 non-profit Case-Studies. One of which was to directly reduce the crime in one particularContinue reading “B.A. (Brand Awareness) Pamphlet + Donations Copy + 2 C.T.A.s (Call to Actions)”

Spotify Wrapped 2021, The best stocking stuffers, Pixel 6 charging issues, Qualcomm’s new chip, and more

Music is just the greatest, am I right? I spent all year having the time of my life listening to all my favorite artists on Spotify, like Radiohead and the Cure, and even discovering a ton of new favorite bands and songs. So, man, was I ever excited to see my end-of-year Spotify Wrapped 2021Continue reading “Spotify Wrapped 2021, The best stocking stuffers, Pixel 6 charging issues, Qualcomm’s new chip, and more”

Not Email Marketing? Big Mistake! Here’s Why…

Why you’re losing 70% potential revenue if you’re not doing email marketing… Are you not doing email marketing because 90% of people told you it’s dead?Or it’s stupid to spend time/money setting it up because you felt no one reads email?Unfortunately, you’re making a costly mistake!Where you’re making $10k/month and leaving $20k-$50k on the table.Continue reading “Not Email Marketing? Big Mistake! Here’s Why…”

How To Establish And Create A Selling Machine

$5 per lead$50 per application$300 to acquire a client$2k per client per month$24k per year10 clients = $240k per year42 clients = $1,008,000.00 Hello 7 figure business! That’s the math. Now let me show you how we do it. Day in, day out. In over 416 different industries and niches. And have generated $1.33 billionContinue reading “How To Establish And Create A Selling Machine”

Download Free Copywriting Bible…

Good luck wasting your time…. if you didn’t straightly jump to learn Copywriting from this copywriting Bible Well friend,I came across this book so late that I regret every penny……I spent on those so-called copywriting books.No kidding.I don’t want to exaggerate much about itBut (it is a big but)I can’t hold myself back.The book isContinue reading “Download Free Copywriting Bible…”

3 Deadly Sins Of Email Marketing…

The 3 Deadly Sins Of Email Marketing ? … Email gets a bad wrap. It’s not like any kids are dreaming of becoming an email marketer when they grow up lol If you told your friends you do email marketing for a living, they’d probably give you the ole “damn that sucks for you”… ButContinue reading “3 Deadly Sins Of Email Marketing…”