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Facebook Insights for The Block Bard CLASSICS

The Block Bard CLASSICS started as a seedling of an idea in 2019. When The Block Bard was just a poem’s page containing only our E.I.C. Mackenzie AndresClassical poetry, he volunteered to take on a project for his Classics mentor.

Publishing a quote a day seemed like an easy task to volunteer for while this man was teaching the Classics says Mackenzie Andres:

“We had met online, a short while earlier after I personally reached out via good ol’ Facebook Messenger asking about his mission with this Facebook page he had grown, almost on his own, which gathered 10,000 followers and hundreds of engagements per day. In interest and awe I wanted to take what he was doing onto Instagram, a platform now owned by Facebook, that few from his generation ever got into.

Eventually he shared with me via PCloud (a free Cloud service similar to Google Drive and One Drive), a magnificent portfolio which contained dozens of Classics content curated exactly for our culturally inclined target audience, and ready for copy & paste daily posting.

We quickly accumulated hundreds of engagements per day on our first Instagram The Block Bard CLASSICS page with our Traditional Foundations project, in memory of Nicolas Gomez Davila, a Bogotan Philosopher (year). This page would teach basic political philosophy and critical thinking to the everyday reader.”

The next project by The Block Bard CLASSICS would be dedicated to the divine scriptures of ancient Hinduism. And the content of choice would be The Bhagavad Gita. This meant taking the entire book and curating it into daily posts for our viewers.

Instagram turns out to be very popular in India, and the project called The Bhagavad Gita for Westerners, would eventually come to engage as well several hundreds of people per day, sometimes thousands. Making it easily The Block Bard CLASSICS most popular page in only a few months time.

This would later lead to learning the algorithm and best social media marketing practices for Facebook and Instagram.

And arriving at The Block Bard offering Social Media Marketing, Management, and Content Creation, to multiple companies across various industries for the last 3 years.

In 2020 Instagram announced that you could cross post with Facebook and link your Facebook and Instagram business accounts online with added tools like: Creator Studio, Accounts Manager, etc.

This led to saving time in the content creation process. As cross-posting has been what the top creators have been doing for over a decade.

What is cross posting?

In the shortest explanation, it is creating once and distributing forever.

Turning your vlog into a blog, into a social media post. Then posting on all your platforms, and sharing those posts to all your groups. And most importantly, remembering to engage authentically with the audience that takes their time to engage with you.

And if you didn’t before, now you know why social media managers are a must for any company wishing to maximize it’s influence on customers…

Facebook Insights for The Block Bard CLASSICS
Insights from 1 of The Block Bard’s several CLASSICS pages

*organic reach only shown*
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