+3.6M reached via The Block Bard CLASSICS [Social Media Marketing]

In 2020 Instagram announced that you could cross post with Facebook and link your Facebook and Instagram business accounts online with added tools like: Creator Studio, Accounts Manager, etc.

This led to saving time in the content creation process. As cross-posting has been what the top creators have been doing for over a decade.

What is cross posting?

In the shortest explanation, it is creating once and distributing forever.

Amazon FBA Publishing: 16,731+ Copies of “Strategy for Success” Sold in 18 Months! [Direct Advertising]

‘A Simple but Effective Strategy for Success’ was The Block Bard books first attempt at Amazon FBA publishing which released back in January of 2021.

Almost 2 years later, and not without our setbacks! we are unveiling the 18 month results of our first Amazon FBA expansion…

SEO Traffic Optimization: Calgary Construction Company Ranked #2 on Search in 12 Weeks with 12 Blogs [Blogging]

Reborn Renovations was a well-established construction business based in Calgary, but lacking SEO traffic optimization, they were struggling to generate leads through their website. Their website was outdated, and they had little to no presence on search engines.

To address this issue, we began by conducting a thorough audit of their website and identifying areas for improvement. We found that the website was not mobile-friendly, had poor navigation, and lacked clear calls-to-action.

Sarcastic Copy & Luxury Clothing Ads Don’t Click…

After the 2020 Christmas holidays, this women’s fashion E-Commerce client called us in an attempt to increase their daily sales volume, as they had noticed a substantial plateau in their performance. At first, they told me we couldn’t use sarcastic and humorous copywriting for a high-end women’s luxury fashion brand. And it was a journeyContinue reading “Sarcastic Copy & Luxury Clothing Ads Don’t Click…”

1 Year with The Bards E-Commerce Copy Campaigns

Because they disregard the basics that feed their ROAS, most brands never achieve extremely profitable results. Ad creatives that attract attention, ad language that resonates deeply, an irresistible offer, a clear CTA, and a great landing page are all scenarios one must consider. When we first started working with this company, we spent nearly 14Continue reading “1 Year with The Bards E-Commerce Copy Campaigns”

Copywriting Tips: How this nervous rookie earned $50,000 from one case study

Back in 2014, I had a client who wanted me to write them a case study. I’d never worked with a company that bred regenerating perennial ryegrass before (don’t even ask). Nor had I’d ever written a case study… So at first, I said no… who the pumpkin-spiced-latte was I to write about something IContinue reading “Copywriting Tips: How this nervous rookie earned $50,000 from one case study”