
How a Single Mom Started a Plastic Food Storage Empire!

Brownie Wise pioneered today’s all-too-famous party-plan marketing system. Insisting that the key to sales was in the strategic education of the product rather than the strategic placement.

Why Read the Classics? What is a Classic?

That means you’re going to have to be extremely picky on what you spend your time reading. Because even if you read a book a day for the rest of your life, you aren’t even going to make a 1% dent in the archives of the Library of Congress. And if you don’t read them the right way, you aren’t going to get anything from it! What do I mean by this? Let’s just say a year or two into my classic’s studies I picked up a book called: The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli – tried reading it, and put it down after 10 painful-to-read pages.

The Great Khan !

One of the greatest achievements in history is the amalgamation of the nomadic Mongol tribes in the Eurasian steppe. These seemingly irrelevant peoples from the vast and open grasslands of Mongolia managed to take the world by storm, and form the largest contiguous empire theworld has seen. Throughout the Mongol’s history, they had been aContinue reading “The Great Khan !”

What Can We Learn From Robbie Burns? (1759 – 1796)

Every January 25th, people around the world – especially those of Scottish descent – raise a wee dram of their favourite single malt Scotch to the memory of the man known as the National Bard: Robbie Burns.

What makes a poet so hugely popular, even centuries after his demise?