
Destroying Canadian Churches; A Hate Crime? or Modern Political Expression?

While we don’t normally cover anything political, especially local, our last report in support of local businesses who failed to receive the advertising they paid for, blew up. And in support of spiritual institutions without disregard for progress, we felt the need to publish this piece. With a background in political history and religion, asContinue reading “Destroying Canadian Churches; A Hate Crime? or Modern Political Expression?”

The Science of Religion; Philosophy and Faith

The majority of the world’s population has also found in religion a core belief system fulfills the innate human need for meaning and purpose, acting as a shield against existential angst and moral dilemmas. Additionally, it can be argued that religion establishes a common-belief system which fosters cooperation and understanding between members, thus making society less susceptible to friction. In fact, the use of religion as a social tool may largely explain its staying power and cross-cultural ubiquity.

Human societies have indeed found in religion a solution to induce individuals to be nicer to each other as it outsources social and moral monitoring to a supernatural force that is all-seeing and omnipresent.

Give Us Our Daily Bread; Or We Won’t Vote For You!

“The people who once gave out military commands, made magistrates, and summoned legions – the people who did everything – now content themselves and wait anxiously for two things – bread and circuses.” – Juvenal, Satire The Roman satirist Juvenal observed that the people, who once held some serious political clout, gave up whatever influenceContinue reading “Give Us Our Daily Bread; Or We Won’t Vote For You!”

What It Means to have a Liberal Education

The beginning of liberalism can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment, a period brimming with political and religious persecution. A multitude of human experiences including the Protestant Reformation, the American, British, and French Revolutions, and the persecution of all non-Catholics in Europe culminated in the rise of liberal thought which sought to upendContinue reading “What It Means to have a Liberal Education”

Does God Exist?

The answer is somewhat tricky to get at. Hence the reason humanity has been at war with itself over the issue since before… well, since before Christ was a baby. Let’s look at some examples from the two sides of the debate, and draw a conclusion from them. There can be no God, because GodContinue reading “Does God Exist?”