$20 Book: Sales Copy Description Ad Example

I saw this Tweet a while back:

*”The ridiculously simple math behind $100,000+ per year freelancing:*

*- Charge $75/hr (you may need to work up to it, that’s fine)*

*- Work 30-35 hrs a week (includes prospecting)*

*- Enjoy 4 weeks of vacation each year*

*Anyone can do this.”*


Do you agree with that?

First of all, you’d have to bill 30 hours a week at $75/hr for 48 weeks to make $108,000/year.

That means any time you spend working *on* your business, not in it, is on top of the 30 hours a week.

In my experience, only about half our time is actual working hours people are paying us for.

The rest is spent on making connections, having client conversations, and doing long-term activities to build our business. (Not a concern, though, if you’re a freelancer-for-hire.)

Second, do you want to be going gig-to-gig forever, and billing clients by the hour?

In 13 years of full-time copywriting, I’ve never once billed anyone by the hour. Project-based pricing, always. Actually, pricing the *client*, not the project.

Third, do you want to do something that *anyone* can do?

If anyone can do it, the pay isn’t going to be very good for very long.

Ultimately, that’s the problem with this thinking and this model.

There’s my 145-word argument against freelancing.

The Freelancer Manifesto is my 52,000-word argument against it. Could be the best $20 you spend this year.

What do you think? Can *anyone* do this? Or are you and I a little more special than that?



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Where we’ve taken dozens of engaging ads, and organized them under keywords in your industry.

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How Does This Help My Business?

Mackenzie Andres, Founder & Head of Copy at The Block Bard group has written ads in over 27 different industries and put some [100’s] of his personal favourites in the public domain for you and your company to learn what’s working.

Study them, Copy them… The World is Yours, and


Just make sure to edit them to your industry, offer & audience as any good copywriter would.

***Disclaimer Please Read***

All ads are either written for personal business purposes by me, or taken directly from your competitors. We will NEVER EVER post content we create for our Clients.

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