***(for non conversions after 60 days)***
The Uniform Code of military Justice specifies court-martial for any officer who sends a soldier into battle without a weapon.
And there should be a similar protection for students.
Because students shouldn’t go out into life without an ability to communicate.
Because your success in life will be determined largely by your ability to speak, your ability to write, and the quality of your ideas…
In that order.
When I first started using these habits, which, when taken together, form: A Simple But Effective Strategy For Success, I went from working my ass off for people who could care less if I dropped dead tomorrow to having my work read by hundred of thousands of people every month… And that’s just my memes, blogs and poems…
My Ads, approaches and industry angles have made my clients and followers across The Block Bard’s platforms millions of dollars… Selling things you would never in any sober state think you could convince anyone to buy… Like ever.
But Strategy for Success doesn’t teach you how to sell shit in a box… I’m currently working on a book with marketing principles that can be applied to any range of products…
But, Strategy for Success teaches you how to have your ideas heard by the rest of the world, and give yourself an opportunity to become your best self.
I could be filming this on a beach somewhere like some dick head but you guys have already seen that stuff done to death. And I wanted to show you my office and the type of person I am.
I’ve dedicated at least half of my day every day for the last 3 years to giving away free value…
Everyone asked me why I always did these extra things that made me no money like blogging and poetry, and creating content…
And now we Rank #1 on Google ORGANICALLY (without ads) for social science marketing, or any form of those keywords.
And here I am after this ready to give away more things for free!
But before I do, I just want to tell you quickly a little more about what you’re going to get:
Number #1:
10, Strategy for Success habits that have helped me and thousands of others manifest success in their areas of expertise.
I’d put them all here but then you might think you don’t need to read the book to really learn them…
Number #2:
A super awesome self-help reading list with inspiring books I actually read myself.
Number #3:
A fiction reading list, also recommended by me, for you to sharpen that imagination of yours that the system tried so hard to kill…
All I ask is that you of course read the whole thing (I wrote it to grip your attention so there’s no possible way anyone could fall asleep reading it) but also, that you actually implement the habits into your routine so they can begin to compound.
This book is not for people looking to make a quick 100K in a hack or get jacked by hitting the gym twice. Okay?
It’s for people serious about taking action on their dreams.
Guys… The Block Bard’s one-liner is literally WE INVEST IN DREAMS
Don’t send them into the world in rags.
Send them with a proven Strategy For Success.
If this doesn’t help you then I HAVE FAILED,
But you’ve gotta meet me halfway.
(Again, order only if you’re serious about pursuing your dreams and achieving success.)
(I know it’s free and you have nothing to lose, I’M LOSING MONEY HERE… but I still don’t want my face just collecting dust on your bookshelf…)
P.S. Hurry… This offer ends as soon as I run out of copies.
We use these sheets with EVERY CLIENT who works with us… just hit GET IT NOW
Welcome to The World’s Largest Free Online Swipe-File™
Congratulations… You’ve found it.
The Holy Grail of Message-Marketing
Where we’ve taken dozens of engaging ads, and organized them under keywords in your industry.
How Does This Help My Business?
Mackenzie Andres, Founder & Head of Copy at The Block Bard group has written ads in over 27 different industries and put some [100’s] of his personal favourites in the public domain for you and your company to learn what’s working.
Study them, Copy them… The World is Yours, and
Just make sure to edit them to your industry, offer & audience as any good copywriter would.
***Disclaimer Please Read***
All ads are either written for personal business purposes by me, or taken directly from your competitors. We will NEVER EVER post content we create for our Clients.
Thank-You for visiting The World’s Largest Free Online Swipe-File™