Hey – I’m not sure if you heard or not…
But one of my BIGGEST mentors in this game of business is a legend named ‘Public Figure’.
BY FAR the most quoted “guru” in the _________ industry…
In fact, if you look at “marketing genealogy” – all roads lead back to ‘Public Figure’.
Every marketing “guru” in every industry, originated from ‘Public Figure’.
He was the first… and he is the best – hands down.
But what most people don’t know is that earlier this year, we decided to ‘Public Figure’s COMPANY!?!
Well, for a few reasons.
1st – ‘Public Figure’ is a legend…
2nd – Most of the things that you are able to do inside of Your Product/Service were first thoughts and ideas inside of his brain… we just turned them into software to make it easy to implement!
3rd – I wanted to get ‘Public Figure’s TRAINING into YOUR HANDS.
If you’ve ever tried to buy any ‘Public Figure’ courses in the past, you know that most of them START at $2k, and go up to $10k or more… JUST FOR A COURSE!?!
For many people, this is a lot to start with…
So, my first task as the NEW OWNER of “___________________________” (that’s the name of ‘Public Figure’s company) is to get some AMAZING stuff into your hands…
And a HUGE discount…
So – I need you to put this on your calendar:
^^^ that is the MOMENT that I’m going to make you my first “irresistible ‘Public Figure’ offer.”
Yes, this day will be like Christmas for Marketing Nerds like me (and so I wanted to make sure you are prepared!)
A few things to prepare for your “Marketing Christmas Present”
Step #1 – Go get on a pre-launch list here:
Step #2 – I’m also re-launching ‘Public Figure’’s podcast… with a TON of amazing ‘Public Figure’ stuff… so if you want samples from the greatest marketing mind to ever play the game, go and subscriber to the podcast here:
Ok – that’s it for today! I can’t wait to send you your Christmas present on Tuesday!!!
Your Name
P.S. – One Liner/Slogan
Welcome to The World’s Largest Free Online Swipe-File™
Congratulations… You’ve found it.
The Holy Grail of Message-Marketing
Where we’ve taken dozens of engaging ads, and organized them under keywords in your industry.

How Does This Help My Business?
Mackenzie Andres, Founder & Head of Copy at The Block Bard group has written ads in over 27 different industries and put some [100’s] of his personal favourites in the public domain for you and your company to learn what’s working.
Study them, Copy them… The World is Yours, and
Just make sure to edit them to your industry & audience as any good copywriter would.
***Disclaimer Please Read***
All ads are either written for personal business purposes by me, or taken directly from your competitors. We will NEVER EVER post content we create for our Clients.
WARNING: You Are NOT Ready To Advertise to Your Audience Until You’ve Downloaded our “FREE 1-Page Dream Customer System” Called the “Plan-0 Market Method”
This is the First sheet we make every Client fill-out before working with us… just hit GET IT NOW
Thank-You for visiting The World’s Largest Free Online Swipe-File™