Rolls eyes
Another email about GOT ?
Yeah yeah… you’re right to think that I’ve become a bit of a GoT fan lately #latetotheparty
And you will also be right to think that I like Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger.
Yes, he was a total smug and a man without honour.
But there are some things he said that make complete sense to me.
In one episode, he tells Sansa Stark:
“Fight every battle, everywhere, always in your mind.
Everyone is your enemy. Everyone is your friend.
Imagine every possible series of events happening all at once.
Live that way and nothing will surprise you anymore.
Everything that happens will be something that you have seen before in your mind.”
All of this is a fancy way of saying: “Prepare for the worst”
And that is something you need to remember on your way to hitting $10K/mo.
You might think that you’ll join us in CMB, learn some killer strategies and a few weeks later, 8 figure whale clients will fall in your lap from the heavens.
(Side note: The above outcome isn’t unheard of for some of my CMB rockstars)
But the truth is: You will face many unexpected hurdles along the way.
Many prospects won’t even see your outreach messages.
Sometimes they’ll see them and ignore them.
Sometimes, they’ll show interest, talk to you for a while and then ghost you for no reason at all.
Sometimes, you will close them and they won’t pay you on time (or won’t pay at all).
Sometimes, you’ll grow sick of them and you’ll wanna tell them to fvck off.
Sometimes, you will lose them and sometimes… well, you get the point.
You need to fight all these battles in your mind, all at once.
You need to think about what you would do in each of those scenarios to tilt the scales of victory in your favour.
Do that and nothing will disappoint you anymore.
You will be ready for every surprise.
Now, I am off to watch another episode to see what else I can learn from this show.
There are tons of persuasion gems hidden amidst the action.
If you have a little free time, it wouldn’t be the worst idea to check out an episode or two.
At the worst, it’ll spark your imagination and bolster your storytelling abilities.
Not to mention, you might even end up with a couple ideas for emails ?
And if you’ve seen it, I’m curious… who’s your favourite character in GoT?
Reply back to this email and lemme know.
Who knows… maybe we will end up becoming friends and I will buy you some ale!
–Your Name
P.S. I still have a spot remaining for my ________________ program where I’m taking 10 more copywriters to $10k/mo by Xmas.
If you want the details just reply back with ‘_________________’ and I’ll swing ’em right over 😉
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