The 3 ‘DOs’ & ‘DON’Ts’ of Email Marketing…

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The number #1 cold outreach method in the entire world is still, that’s right, you guessed it, email. The number #1 most efficient ‘up-sell’ method in the world is still, that’s right, you guessed it, email!

So it is safe to say email Today is still pretty important, if not now more than ever.

But are you using it properly?

Here are the 3 Don’ts!

Whether you’re a business or individual, sending emails isn’t something that should be taken as a light matter, especially if those emails are aiming to get you into an astute University, or land a big contract with a client.

  • The first thing I will tell you is to forget everything you learnt in school about writing professionally. Yep, forget it all! You don’t know how to write professionally, you only know how to write academically. You were writing for the single purpose of impressing your teacher, we now have a lot more people to impress.
  • The second thing is to scrap all of those graphic designer email templates that look like a shitty coupon you wouldn’t even take for free. This is because capitalist email culture has all but killed that look. What was a professional platform, building cool looking emails and up-sell pages quickly became a dead horse still beaten to this day. If you’re still doing this you look like a desperate scam artist who also beats metaphorical dead horses… And to top off your new online look, your emails aren’t even getting attention because they almost always land in the spam, junk, or promotions tabs.
  • Thirdly, stop getting people to confirm your subscription. People are sooo lazy in today’s day and age I cannot stress this enough. Asking someone to go into their email and click the confirm subscription button is not only unnecessary in 2021, it is actually asking a lot from your customers nowadays. You should be grateful they signed up in the first place. And if you want to make sure your emails land in the right inbox then send them an email with a Free Offer or something of value when they first sign up. This way you know they are going to open it, and their email provider will automatically in the future place you in the right inbox.

OKAY, So that was 3 DON’Ts.

Here are the 3 DOs!

#1. Personalization is Important !

Using personalized messages has proven its ability to increase open rates and actions taken. Everyone has received that terrible message from a total stranger that goes along the lines of:

“Hey just reaching out to some new connections, I do SEO, If you’re interested in getting some SEO done for your business feel free to give me shout.”


Get out of my inbox Lame-o before I fall asleep. Even the informality and slang of ‘give me a shout’ is more personalized than most messages I have seen…

“At the balance between personal and professional do we find our prospects.” –MLA

Checkout this DM (Direct Message) that is not only #1 personalized, but #2 engaging, honest, and #3 easy to read!

Cold Email we’ve used to successfully get Email Marketing Clients [TWICE]
#2. Honesty & Engagement

Getting your emails opened is the most important part. The second most important part is getting your first sentence read. The third: getting your second sentence read. The fourth: getting your third sentence read.

Throughout every sentence your job is to basically break out of the friend-zone you put yourself in with your first few sentences. You have to make them like you, before you can make them believe you. Then, you have to make them see you as a professional, if you want any hope of standing out amongst the bombardment of daily emails they probably get.

(Maybe don’t swear in your Uni application though… This was an experiment for me that actually worked, I’m not the most formal but I’m by no means profane, and it was directed at private business owners who are at the end of the day people just like you and I with senses of humour).

#3. Easy To Read

Avoid the fluff, people are busy. Use as little words as possible while getting to the point and breaking up the paragraphs into short but sweet sentences. People aren’t opening their email to read a Lord of The Rings novel…

I hope these simple tips can help your business maximize it’s email potential.

– Cheers

Mackenzie Andres


Founder | Best-Selling Author

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