Women’s Boutique Booming

Striking a nerve within the audience we showcase our ads to, by crafting striking copy and pairing that with top tier creatives is the number one way to scale to multiple 5 & 6 figures per month. Right away when we began working with this women’s accessory boutique, we knew we needed to resonate moreContinue reading “Women’s Boutique Booming”

Email Marketing isn’t DEAD! It’s more ALIVE than ever. Here’s Why:

Most e-commerce stores and service-based-businesses know all-too-well that the majority of their sales comes from email-marketing and already existing customers and buyers. This is no less true for the big giants like Amazon and Alibaba. Let me repeat that: majority of their sales comes from email marketing to already existing customers People often think it’sContinue reading “Email Marketing isn’t DEAD! It’s more ALIVE than ever. Here’s Why:”