“What’s the best copywriting book to get?”
People ask me this allllllll the time.
And here’s what I say, Prospect Name.
Truth is, I’ve never stumbled upon a dud copywriting book! Sure some are more eloquent or vivid or acclaimed or revered than others.
But genuinely, every copywriting book I’ve had the good fortune to study has taught me something new or surprising.
And given me a fresh perspective and a richer understanding of the topic.?
So if you’re wondering which book to start with, my advice to you is this…
Pick a book. Any book. But find one that speaks to you.
My first choice was Andy Maslen’s Write To Sell. I needed a book that was simple to understand, easy to digest and quick to finish.
That last one’s the crunch point. Speed is key for me. When I’m stretched for time it helps me build momentum. If I can grasp something at Star Trek speed, I’m much more likely to keep going.
So find a book that chimes with your personality, circumstances, and where you’re at right now.
If you’re not a complete beginner, you could get stuck into something like Hey Whipple Squeeze This. Still super easy to absorb, but a little chunkier.
To be honest, I don’t think it really matters where you start, so long as you DO start.
Because if you’re hungry to develop a new skill, you won’t stop with one article, one course, or one book — you’ll likely inhale everything you can on the topic.
You’ll see soon enough… when the copywriting bug gets you… ??
So keep at it, my friend. Keep adding to your knowledge bank. View every book and resource as a stepping stone to take you nearer to your destination of mastering the skill.
And in the meantime, in no particular order, here are some of my fave copywriting books to get you started:
1) Write to Sell by Andy Maslen?
So simple and easy to read. A quick win to motivate you and put a fire under your pants.
2) Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins?
A true copywriting bible. Great to dip in and out of when you need timeless wisdom from a true guru.
3) Hey Whipple, Squeeze This by Luke Sullivan?
Also a must-read. I love the humour. It’s fun, it’s playful, it’s compelling.
4) Copy Righter by Ian Atkinson?
Another quick win that explains everything in simple language.
5) Brilliant Copywriting by Roger Horberry?
Like an encouraging uncle, this book will equip you with skills and oodles of confidence.
Enjoy! ??
–Your Name
P.S. Full transparency: these are affiliate links. (Please know I only feature things that have directly advanced my career in some way… I’m ethical like that.)
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