Building A Face for Your Brand

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Elon Musk, C.E.O. of SpaceX and Tesla (two of America’s highest valued companies. One of which is privately held), is neither a rocket scientist, a computer engineer, or a business scholar… He is all three!

*UPDATE: 2021 November. Elon Musk is now the richest in the world. Tripling Warren Buffets wealth at half the age.*

Two years later, he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania after always wanting to go to the United States to chase his supersized dreams, where he graduated in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in economics (there’s your business) from the Wharton School, and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in physics (there’s your rockets and things alike).

But this isn’t an Elon Musk biography?

No, it is however perhaps the world’s richest example. He didn’t build the world’s coolest companies, and in other words some of the world’s highest valued companies by being the smartest in his class… He did so by hiring the smartest, and more importantly, most dedicated team he could possibly find.

The customers and fans found that value in the very coolness of the companies he created. He now spends his time running those A-Teams and okaying their every decision. As much as he probably spends his time coming up with new and amazing creative technologies, edgy approaches, and goals to be made manifest by the same technologies his team and him create.

Oprah even admits she didn’t know what the word brand even meant for the first few years of her career. Did that stop her from doing it?


They say “when you are at the top, you can only come down.” But Elon is reaching for the stars in the most literal sense of the phrase… He took a private company that he might have started in his backyard for all we know. And made public his goal to put people on Mars. (No doubt the vision came before the company).

18 years in, it’s already taken NASA astronauts to orbit. So, in other words, it is showing the very same government (or rather government-run entity), who showed us how to land on the moon and that we could even go to space in the first place, how to get things done. Which is pretty badass to say the least.

By taking space flight into private hands, which really means (available for the public). He indeed made his mark and name in both the science and business books of history. The reason NASA doesn’t get off of its government-funded behind is because there is no political space race so-to-speak with Russia or whoever it may be. Elon Musk, in the case for SpaceX is in a race with himself, and that is the best place to race.

Elon Musk is in other words The Face of His Brand(s).

He may tweet some silly stuff at times but between his tweets and smoking sessions in Joe Rogan’s podcast studio, he is both the mind and face, but not the body, of his dreams turned corporations.

The message, the dream, the goal to colonize Mars that he seeded in the souls of millions. With little-to-no advertising efforts or direct marketing, is the true face of the SpaceX brand.

Not the logo. Not the colours. Not the design. Not even the one-liner or slogan, which is a specialty we take very seriously here at The Block Bard.


Mackenzie Andres

Founder | Head of Copy



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