Free Gift Giveaway – from “Expert Name”: Most Incredible Free Gift EVER…

AH!!! It’s Christmas morning for marketers… and I feel like Santa!

Are you ready for this!?!

When I first joined “Expert Name’s Community” and went into DEEP studying Expert Name

It was through an offer that Expert Name made called the “_____________” offer. (__________ stands for “______ _________ _______ _______”)

I signed up for this offer, and I got a huge package in the mail… and then each month I’d get Expert Name’s infamous “___________ Newsletter” in the mail.

Each of these newsletters were like getting a marketing seminar hand delivered to me in the mail each month… and it LITERALLY changed my life.


Over the past few months, I worked with Expert’s Name to create a NEW “________” offer…

One that is even MORE irresistible…

And this special offer just went live (about 2 minutes ago!!!!)

Would you like to see it?

The good news is that you aren’t going to have to pay $25k for it…
Not $2,500…
Not even $250…
Heck, I’m not even going to charge you $100

I told you this was a gift…

If you’ll cover the cost of shipping – You’re going to get almost $19,991 worth of marketing stuff… for FREE!!!

And (well, I don’t want to ruin the surprise – but you’ll get a special gift from me and Expert Name TWICE a month in the mail!)

Ok… I’m already telling you too much… You can now OFFICIALLY get the new “_______” offer right here… right now!
Get The ‘________ ________ ________ ________’ RIGHT NOW >>
But you’ve got to act fast… as you know there are supply chain issues all around the world right now, and so printing the books and manuals for this offer was REALLY hard…

We were only able to get 1,000 of them printed this month…

So, the fact that this email is going out to 5+ MILLION entrepreneurs… means that there is REAL urgency to get signed up ASAP.

So even though this doesn’t cost you much… your chance of getting into this founding members group is actually really small…

So, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?! Get the “___________” offer right now!!!

Your Name
P.S. – Your One-Liner/Slogan

Welcome to The World’s Largest Free Online Swipe-File

Congratulations… You’ve found it.

The Holy Grail of Message-Marketing

Where we’ve taken dozens of engaging ads, and organized them under keywords in your industry.

Watch Read & Learn…
How Does This Help My Business?

Mackenzie Andres, Founder & Head of Copy at The Block Bard group has written ads in over 27 different industries and put some [100’s] of his personal favourites in the public domain for you and your company to learn what’s working.

Study them, Copy them… The World is Yours


Just make sure to edit them to your industry & audience as any good copywriter would.

***Disclaimer Please Read***

All ads are either written for personal business purposes by me, or taken directly from your competitors. We will NEVER EVER post content we create for our Clients.

You Are Not Ready To Advertise to Your Audience Until You’ve Downloaded ourFREE 1-Page Dream Customer System

This is the First sheet we make every Client fill-out before working with us… just click GET IT NOW

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