Here is a perfect set of statistics, that when read, appear just as they did when they were first recorded. So why is it misleading? Did the statisticians lie? Well, no…but in this case, because I chose such a simple scenario that everyone from all walks of life can comprehend and relate to (everyone needsContinue reading “Click-Bait & Why Statistics are So-Often Bullsh$!”
Tag Archives: information
How To Form Partnerships: Strategy!
Learn how to develop partnerships like the best copywriters in Canada IN 6 STEPS! In today’s day and age, with independent contracting and freelancing becoming ever more popular. We have to remember that it doesn’t have to be just us all of the time. We need to remember the importance of forming and nurturing strategicContinue reading “How To Form Partnerships: Strategy! “
6 Steps To The Ultimate Brand Building Plan
Scenarios where your company’s message misses its target when not using the best copywriters in Canada, or worse falls short completely, are way more popular. But way worse for sales than the infamous overly pushy salesperson. So, here are 6 quick tips to add to your marketing strategy and begin today to better send yourContinue reading “6 Steps To The Ultimate Brand Building Plan”