
Democratic Political Party Election Letter

DEAR PERSON I’m sending you this urgent letter because I believe you and I are on the same side of the most important political battle in Country history. On one side, it’s people like you and me – principled Country and committed Shared Political Viewpoints who believe in Shared Beliefs List. And, on the otherContinue reading “Democratic Political Party Election Letter”

Market-Share & Why Netflix Doesn’t Care if You Share Your Password

Most Families have a single Netflix subscription. Whether it’s a family of 3, or 13, there will be only 1 monthly payment charged to 1 member of the family. And when the kids finally move out they will get their own Netflix subscriptions, right? WRONG. Well, at least not that fast. They will continue toContinue reading “Market-Share & Why Netflix Doesn’t Care if You Share Your Password”

What the Heck is Lorem Ipsum? How Cicero’s Misread Message Became The ‘Norm’ for Text Box Filler

Many millennia ago, or actually, precisely rather two, lived a cool cat named Cicero. Well really, he was a man, who disagreed with many of the things publicly spoken at the time, and wasn’t exactly afraid to ‘voice his opinion’ some people who had the pleasure of meeting him today might say. His fame asContinue reading “What the Heck is Lorem Ipsum? How Cicero’s Misread Message Became The ‘Norm’ for Text Box Filler”

How To Advertise Online: 3 Reasons The Best Businesses use Copywriters!

How to Advertise Online? So you have a business or company, small or global; doesn’t matter, and you’ve spent a lot of money on graphic design, web design, marketing, etc.,  Then why are you hesitating to invest money in words which are the actual asset to your business??? The words in any advertisement also knownContinue reading “How To Advertise Online: 3 Reasons The Best Businesses use Copywriters!”

How To Advertise EFFECTIVELY: 4 Tips To Start Email Marketing TODAY

Email marketing is by far the most under-rated form of advertising and marketing your business. Why? Because it’s not only one of the fastest growing platforms, but it also remains the cheapest. To top that off, over 60% of consumers say it’s their preferred method to be contacted by companies! Learn how to advertise effectivelyContinue reading “How To Advertise EFFECTIVELY: 4 Tips To Start Email Marketing TODAY”

Destroying Canadian Churches; A Hate Crime? or Modern Political Expression?

While we don’t normally cover anything political, especially local, our last report in support of local businesses who failed to receive the advertising they paid for, blew up. And in support of spiritual institutions without disregard for progress, we felt the need to publish this piece. With a background in political history and religion, asContinue reading “Destroying Canadian Churches; A Hate Crime? or Modern Political Expression?”

Calgary Stampede and the BMO Centre’s Butchery of Local Businesses 2021

When current Alberta premier Jason Kenney announced that the over 100 year old event known as the Calgary Stampede was going through despite the previous year’s pandemic and panic, local businesses, especially vendors and contributors of previous years had a reason to get their hopes up. However despite the reduction in this year’s vendors dueContinue reading “Calgary Stampede and the BMO Centre’s Butchery of Local Businesses 2021”

STOP Selling the Mattress, and START Selling a Goodnight’s Sleep!

What do we mean by this? It is generally common knowledge in the marketing world that people love to buy, but hate being sold. So what’s a salesperson to do if someone is shopping for a mattress, meaning they’re walking out of that store with one unless an absolute customer service catastrophe happens? One ofContinue reading “STOP Selling the Mattress, and START Selling a Goodnight’s Sleep!”

How To Stop SELLING and Start SERVING Today!

Writing this in a +36 degree celsius office without AC has got me thinking immensely about why I do this, instead of doing some more meditative work outside in the wind and shade. *Update March 2022: We got an AC unit… First off, because we have the freedom to not work from here, we couldContinue reading “How To Stop SELLING and Start SERVING Today!”

5 Simple Tips to Get Great Client Referrals

One of the most powerful ways to gain new clients and customers is word of mouth. Because it’s free! Also, getting referrals is the most cost-effective way to get your services and brand out there but why does it feel so uncomfortable asking current customers to give one?  In this blog post, we’ll be sharingContinue reading “5 Simple Tips to Get Great Client Referrals”